Consists primarily of newspaper clippings documenting the career of Arthur M. Free, covering his positions as postmaster, city attorney, and district attorney of Mountain View, Calif., his 12 years as a California representative in the U.S. Congress, and his return to law. The bulk of the material is from Free's years in Congress and follows his involvement with various issues, such as California agriculture, immigration, and the creation of a Navy air base (i.e., Moffett Field) in Sunnyvale (Calif.). Contains several articles authored by Free on the topics of radicalism, and immigrants. Includes clippings on Free's court cases, his participation in social clubs and organizations, and biographical pieces on his family. Includes political cartoons featuring Free, a few broadsides (including one for a Republican rally in Santa Clara), certificates, a few photos, and ephemera from clubs and social organizations. Also includes loose telegrams and letters of condolence to Mrs. Free on the death of Arthur Free.